Endorsements for 
A New Psychology of Human Well-Being

Richard Barrett is one of the most profound integrative thinkers of our day. With A New Psychology of Human Well-Being he has taken his and our journey, a step further. Bringing together numerous strands of research and theory with his visionary perspective he succeeds in “building a theory of human well-being that unites psychology with spirituality and science”.

Ruth N. Steinholtz, Founder, AretéWork LLP.

A brilliant book that will challenge your understanding of who you are and the world in which you live. Highly recommended.

John Mackey, co-Founder and co-CEO, Whole Foods Market.

This inspired and highly comprehensive work is a must read for anyone sincerely interested in advancing not only their understanding, but also their awareness of their inner nature.

Ron Hulnick, Ph.D, President, University of Santa Monica, and co-author of Loyalty to Your Soul:  The Heart of Spiritual Psychology.

Richard’s brilliant book redefines the meaning of well-being for the 21st century. A must read!

Patricia Aburdene, author of Megatrends 2010: The Rise of Conscious Capitalism and Conscious Money.