Endorsements for 
Evolutionary Coaching

No matter what type of coach you are, if you are concerned with the healthy psychological growth of your clients, this is a book you should read. It is not about coaching per se, it is about the framework of human development that coaches need to be familiar with in order to facilitate the full emergence of their client’s potential: not just helping people become more proficient at what they do, but helping them participate in their own evolution, the evolution of their organisations, the evolution of our global society and the evolution of our species.

Part I explores the theory of human emergence, providing a detailed description of the seven stages of psychological development, the evolution of cultural world views, the evolving structure and operation of the human mind/brain and the six evolutionary stages in human decision-making.

Part II describes the exercises required to facilitate evolutionary coaching: determining your clients’ primary and secondary motivations and determining the degree to which the cultures your clients are embedded in, support or hinder their human emergence.

Part III describes the skills and techniques used in evolutionary coaching: how to help your clients master their fears; how to support them in living a values- and purpose-driven life; how to guide them in making a difference in their world; and how to help them fulfil their potential by leading a life of selfless service for the good of humanity and the planet.