Where are we as a human race in terms of our development? What do we value? What levels of consciousness do we mainly operate from? To answer these questions, at least in some general way, I have analysed the results of just over one million Personal Values Assessments.
The top ten values of this group are shown in the diagram below. This diagram is a visual representation of the Seven Levels of Consciousness Model.
It is interesting to note that four of the top five values are located at the Relationships level (Level 2) and all the other values are located at the Self-expression level (Level 5) except continuous learning, which is located at the Transformation level.

After downloading the data for a million people, I fed the top ten values back into the Personal Values Assessment as if they were a single individual. Here is the report.
From the values you selected, you are a person for whom meaning is important. You have a strong set of moral standards which are important in how you treat others and how you wish to be treated.
Your values show:
- Having meaningful close relationships with others is important in your life and is central in the decisions you make.
Living with a passionate and an upbeat, fun-loving approach is important to you. - Relationships are a central focus in your life, and you show concern and consideration for those around you.
- You demonstrate dedication in all that you do.
- Seeking new opportunities to develop and grow keeps you constantly challenged.
- You can think imaginatively and use your skills to produce new ideas.
- Building confidence in others and wanting others to feel they can rely on you are key factors in your interactions.
- The type of values you selected indicates that the connections you build with others and your capabilities are equally important to you.
I believe this value profile tells an interesting story about the current state of the evolution of consciousness of humanity:
- Five of the top values are about how we relate to the people in our lives—family, caring, respect, friendship, and trust. This suggests that inter-personal safety is a fundamental priority for most people. Historically, personal safety has always been linked to belonging and identity.
- Five of the top values are about how we relate to ourselves (who we are)—humour/fun, enthusiasm, commitment, creativity, and continuous learning. This suggests that self-expression is also a fundamental priority. However, the results indicate that we prioritize inter-personal safety over self-expression. Only when we feel safe do we feel free to express who we are.
- These results suggest that Maslow’s theory is correct. We prioritize safety—a deficiency need, over self-actualization—a growth need. Furthermore, the ability to develop and grow through continuous learning is of significant importance to us.
We cannot grow and develop unless we feel safe. Once we feel safe, then self-realization becomes our main priority. If we want to build a positive future for everyone, we must create the conditions in our society that allow people to feel safe, especially our children, and support everyone in their self-expression. Feeling safe is intimately linked to belonging and belonging is intimately linked to identity.